1 Μαΐ 2013

Υπάρχουν και αυτοί οι άνθρωποι!... [2]

This man who shouldn't even be looking at you because your level of swag is so far beneath his. 
Άνθρωποι που ξέρουν να διασκεδάζουν , να αυτοσαρκάζονται και να τρολλάρουν! ή άπλα το έχουν χάσει τελείως!

This man whose pants can't even handle the amount of swag he's exuding.
This Teletubbie who's bringing more swag to the computer lab than you ever will.
The owner of this haircut, which is so swag, you don't even know how swag it actually is.
The owner of this haircut, which is actually probably more swag than Drake himself.
This beast who has more swag in diapers than you have in your regular clothes.
Wonder Woman (obviously).
This ginger who is proving that gingers have more swag than pretty much anybody else, but especially more than you.
This man who chose the sponge life over you.
This little punk who doesn't care if you don't understand him, because he's still got more swag than you EVER will.

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Υπάρχουν και αυτοί οι άνθρωποι!...

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