19 Ιουλ 2012

Αστείες γκριμάτσες παντού! [2]

WTF facial expressions of people29 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people

Από μικροί κάνουμε γκριμάτσες για να γελάσουμε με τους φίλους μας.. Οι πιο αστείες γκριμάτσες όμως είναι αυτές που γίνονται καταλάθος και είναι κάποιος εκεί για να τις αποθανατήσει! Αν και στην περίπτωση της Britney θα ταίριαζε περισσότερο η περιγραφή μοχθηρές γκριμάτσες.

WTF facial expressions of people8 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people7 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people6 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people5 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people4 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people3 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people2 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people1 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people36 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people35 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people34 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people33 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people32 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
 WTF facial expressions of people31 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
WTF facial expressions of people30 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
 WTF facial expressions of people28 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
 WTF facial expressions of people27 Funny: WTF facial expressions of people
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